Thinking about enrolling? Want to learn more about how your child can benefit from attending NCHS?
Northeast Christian High School
Northeast Christian High School Was Born Out of a Vision to Create an Educational Center where Students in Northeast Missouri Could Receive a Christian Education that is Based on Biblical Values in a Non-Denominational Setting. We Provide a Christ-centered Curriculum for Grades 9-12.
Working Together for a Better Community & School
About NCHS
We're a private high school with a primary focus on encouraging students in their relationship with Christ, academically empowering them to be their best, while making a positive impact through bi-weekly For Him Friday service projects in the Northeast Missouri community.
Volunteers in Partnership
Wanting to help our school maintain high standards so we can help our students even more? You can get involved and be a part of improving what we offer.
Our Mission
NCHS is a non-denominational, God-honoring, Christ-centered high school, with a Biblical worldview curriculum where families, churches and the school equip students to have a personal relationship with the Creator, love and serve others, and be leaders for His Kingdom.
Leaving a Legacy at NCHS

Audra Jackson-Harris State Farm Insurance
Scarbrough International
Sherry Darling Law, LLC
Darling Heating and Cooling